Financial Assistance
Toronto Social Assistance/Ontario Works
Province wide financial assistance program which includes money for food, shelter, clothing and other household costs for people who meet the financial and program criteria.
Toronto Rent Bank
Toronto Rent Bank grants provide support to Toronto residents who are behind on their rent or need help with a rental deposit.
416-397-RENT (7368)
Service & Benefit Finder Tool
Get a personalized list of City of Toronto human services that might be available to you, like child care benefits, employment support, housing support and money to help pay for costs of daily living.
Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC)
Works with clinics and anti-poverty groups using litigation, policy development, advocacy and lobbying, community development and organizing to address problems in income security programs and the root causes of poverty. ISAC does not provide direct service to individuals.
425 Adelaide St W, 5th Floor Toronto, ON M5V 3C1
Adelaide & Spadina
HSBC Youth Opportunity Fund
The HSBC Youth Opportunity Fund provides individual grants to youth who were in permanent care in Canada or who are (or were) eligible for their provincial or territorial extended care program. Grants can be used for courses, programs, and other activities that will assist them in securing employment and achieving success in their careers.
(416) 923-0924, ext. 246