Newcomer & Settlement Services
Centre for Immigrant and Community Services
CICS offers early years services, employment services, settlement services and language and service training to newcomers in Canada! CICS offers equal access to services for all those in need.
2330 Midland Ave Scarborough, ON M1S 5G5
Midland & 401
Settlement Assistance Family Support Services (SAFSS)
SAFSS goal is to educate newcomers, women, seniors, youth, and families in their integration process to provide a better quality of life and help them realize their full potential. SAFSS also provides lessons on life skills, protection from abuse in the female and indigenous community, as well as offers supportive counselling and United Way base grants.
1200 Markham Rd., Suite #214 Toronto, ON M1H 3C3
Markham & Ellesmere
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre
Provides emergency shelter and a welcoming area to families of all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Christie Refugee Welcome Centre also has an outreach program where they help families transition from shelter to houses, as well as a shelter program that provides people with emergency shelter and initial settlement services.
43 Christie St Toronto, ON M6G 3B1
Bloor & Christie
A website that provides resources for new immigrant around citizenship, housing, health care, employment, education, and legal services within Ontario.
COSTI Immigrant Services
COSTI Immigrant Services is a community-based multicultural agency providing employment, educational, settlement and social services to all immigrant communities, new Canadians and individuals in need of assistance.
1710 Dufferin St Toronto ON M6E 3P2
Dufferin & St. Clair
Catholic Cross-Cultural Services
Provides one-on-one counselling, ESL classes, an employment access program, referrals and group information sessions on different topics related to health, housing, education, Canadian law, income tax, Child Tax Benefits, immigration and social assistance.
55 Town Centre Ct, Suite 401 Toronto, ON M1P 4X4
McCowan & Ellesmere
Culture Link assists newcomers looking for employment, help families navigate the school system and provide youth the necessary skills for bright and successful futures. They also support refugees and bring together new and established Canadian.
2340 Dundas St W, Suite 301 Toronto, ON M6P 4B2
Bloor & Dundas